Three Poems by M.K. Shibek
High tension wires in radio grandmothers
Ink tins
Heavy eye ants snuggled in dense tweed
How can raw veils choke cooked breasts?
Throat in the closet
Corpus Year
Pulsar-quasar noon music, light’s bent neurosis look
Piano flowers stalking ease in London or corpus year
Zither carriages carried away raised beds
Monkey cables on piano and harp hubcaps
Urn paintings at rest
Wet Vertigo
The wet point of vertigo
The corner embraced the surface
Wet fangs of daydream swing over night’s tactile sponge
Choose carefully the uppermost window
Bright tree of darkness
High tension wires in radio grandmothers
Ink tins
Heavy eye ants snuggled in dense tweed
How can raw veils choke cooked breasts?
Throat in the closet
Corpus Year
Pulsar-quasar noon music, light’s bent neurosis look
Piano flowers stalking ease in London or corpus year
Zither carriages carried away raised beds
Monkey cables on piano and harp hubcaps
Urn paintings at rest
Wet Vertigo
The wet point of vertigo
The corner embraced the surface
Wet fangs of daydream swing over night’s tactile sponge
Choose carefully the uppermost window
Bright tree of darkness